Eddie Bauer has been making outdoor gear for nearly a century, and they show no signs of slowing down. The new BC Duraweave Freshline Jacket and Pant combine the latest technologies to create the most technically advanced ski and snowboard gear they have ever made. Well thought out features make these garments well suited to life in the mountains and as a part of their First Ascent line, you can be sure they have been designed to perform at a professional level.
The Eddie Bauer BC Duraweave Freshline Jacket and Pant
offer up contrasting jacket and bottoms of either colour.
Both the jacket and pant are made from 100% nylon and combine top of the line technologies to create a super rugged, breathable, and waterproof material. The three layer construction is fully seam-sealed and combines Eddie Bauer’s own WeatherEdge Flux technology with the Direct Venting membrane from eVent. This membrane allows the sweat vapour to pass directly through the membrane, while remaining completely waterproof. Duraweave fabric with Cordura has been added In high abrasion areas, and to top it all off, the shell is coated with Eddie Bauer’s Stormrepel super DWR.
The jacket features a hood large enough to be worn over a helmet but can be adjusted to fit comfortably with or without a helmet. The brim adjustment is controlled by super low-profile embedded cord locks whose cord pull is located within the jacket to avoid hanging cords on the outside of the jacket. The peripheral adjustment cord lock is located on the back of the hood and is also embedded in order to keep a low-profile.
Cord locks on either side of the waist allow adjustability at the hem, and the powder skirt is removable by means of a zipper. The wrist cuffs can be adjusted by the standard velcro strips. An elastic thumb loop offers to keep the cuffs in place at all times.
A zippered pocket on the left bicep is large enough to fit a radio, and two high volume zippered pockets on either side of the chest each have a small loop that you could clip your keys to. Two move zippered handwarmer pockets can be found at the waist. On the inside of the jacket, a mesh drop pocket features a goggle wipe. A second interior pocket has a zipper to keep your media device where it belongs.
Pit zips with dual zippers allow for adjustable venting to suit any weather conditions or activity level.
The vents on the pants reach from the boot top all the way to the hip on the outside of the leg and have two zippers positioned so that venting for the upper and lower leg can be adjusted individually.
A removable Flexion active stretch softshell bib is equipped with stretchy, continuous loop suspenders designed for maximum adjustability and comfort. The bib is 4% spandex to facilitate uninhibited motion in the torso and features two zippered pockets. Removing and reattaching the bib is as simple as one zipper that runs the full perimeter of the pant at the waist
The waist of the pants can be adjusted with velcro strips, but also includes belt loops. Above the fly, both a hook and loop and a press stud will make sure these pants stay secure while they’re on. The pants also feature two large pockets on each thigh. Both lower pockets have a stretchy interior mesh pocket so that smaller items aren’t lost in the large pockets.
I’ve never been big on suspenders but the Flexion active stretch softshell bib was actually pretty comfortable. The addition of the chest pockets was especially welcome on these pants because I found the double stacked thigh pocket set up to be less than ideal. Another advantage to this removable bib is that it is actually a full bib as opposed to just suspenders. When compared to removable suspender pant like the ones found on the Mountain Hardwear Boundary Seeker pant, this will prove to be a much better barrier to the snow. Removing and reinstalling the bib was really easy and the garment felt natural as either pants or the full bib.
Both the jacket and pants were very weatherproof and I’m sure they will prove to be as durable as they are claimed to be. The materials used are pretty thick and the addition of the cordura in high abrasion areas gives these shells a very durable feel. The disadvantage of this robustness is the added bulk and weight; these are definitely not ultra lights shells. If your primary activity is touring, this is probably not the gear for your, but if the weight to bombproof tradeoff is one you’re willing to make you could be in luck!
Where this jacket and pant combo really hit home is in the little things. The abundance of pockets, low profile cordlocks and the extra long venting are winning features. I have to admit I have mixed feelings about the hood drawstring being on the inside of the collar, but it is definitely innovative and a great way to get these cords out of the way.
While I’m not a big fan of the cut of the gear, style is subjective after all.
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Price: Jacket $829CAN
Pants $699CAN
Weight: Jacket 0.67kg / 1.48lb,
Pant 0.87kg / 1.92lb
Sizes: S, M, L, XL
Colours: Cinder, Copper
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