Kick wax vs kicker skins vs fishscale
Does anybody have any opinions about the efficiency of kick wax vs kicker skins vs fishscale bases on flat/rolling terrain? Let's assume a given pair of skis on a nice blue wax day on a long approach such as one commonly does in the Rockies. I'm wondering mostly about the amount of drag one must overcome when moving the ski forward. I've typically used a kick wax under most of the ski for long approaches, but I'm seeing some people using kicker skins, and now there are AT/tele skis with fish scale such as the Voile Vector and Charger BC.
As for climbing capability, I would think the best would be the kicker skins (the real skins are still in the pack for the real climb ahead), followed by? The blue wax in optimal conditions? The fishscale bases?
How about on the descent? Do fishscale bases make it harder to turn? When skiing downhill with skis waxed with kick wax, I usually don't notice much drag (unless I've really screwed up on the wax choice). Would the fishscale bases be about the same?
Thanks for your thoughts.