!!Project Dead Stump Update!!
Hello again wonderful backcountry ski persons!!
I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported Project Dead Stump financially, or otherwise… you guys are FABULOUS!
We have had so much incredible support from all around the world… we have just been blown away by people’s kindness, creativity, generosity and loving words! We have not only seen so much financial generosity, but we have had offers of legal help (to encourage Travel Insuranz/Lloyd's to honour the medical coverage that we elected to have), places to stay, and lots of creative ideas about ways to try and get Ross’ expenses covered... and of course so much INCREDIBLE moral support!
We have had yet more media attention here in Canada thanks to all of your wonderful Facebook sharing, email bombing etc! So much so that Ross’ story now covers over 4 pages on the google search engine (at least here in Canada) when you type “snowboarding accident + ross pointer” into the search bar. There are some inconsistencies in the news articles and Travel Insuranz – Lloyd’s has made some false statements to the media painting us in a negative light… but at least the word is spreading – which is helping to keep our campaign afloat!
For a financial update, we have now exceeded $6000 from all sources. The local food co-op here in Nelson has set up a till donation program for Ross, and gave us a gift card to raffle off, to help raise funds. Thank you so so much to the Kootenay Co-op!
To the anonymous donors and to those whose personal contact details I do not have, who have been so so generous, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
This experience has been such a great teacher… showing us how many beautiful spirits there really are out there!
Love and hugs to all xox