Girl's Guide to Finding Your Backcountry Squad
This one is for all those ladies out there who are looking to share the uptrack with fellow femmes. From my experience, these days are few and far between to leave the boys at home for a "day out" with the ladies, but it's oh so worth it! And here's how to make that happen:
* For the boys, read on and you might just learn what happens when a team of ladies get out for a day in the backcountry.
- Build Your Network:
If you are living in a small mountain town, there’s bound to be many women who share a love for powder. If you don’t know who these ladies are or how to reach out, try the local Facebook Classifieds Page. Putting yourself out there might be intimidating, but it will all be worth it! If you live in a bigger town or city centre, try attending some events like film screenings or hit up the near by climbing gym that is bound to hold a backcountry enthusiast or several. No matter what, as you start building those connections, make sure you follow through with plans! No one likes be let down by a touring buddy with a 5 am “Soooo sorry I’m just needing a chill day…” text. Trust me, that was one I sent.
- Test the Waters:
Like any friendship, you have to build trust in each other before you can feel confident that it will last. Especially in the backcountry, trust is a crucial component in decision making and staying safe, so test out any new friendships with something small like a day at the resort, or some slack country. You’ll know by the days end whether or not you have a good enough connection to trust each other on a bigger tour.
- Plan Ahead..or don’t… it really doesn’t matter:
You’d think picking a date well in advance would ensure that it’s followed through… but in my experience, it really doesn’t matter how much prior commitment is made, plans can still fall through at the last second. Some of the best days come together last minute so don’t despair if your calendar isn’t pre filled with lady dates in the alpine.
- Pack Chocolate!
It turns out that most every woman knows that while touring, a square of chocolate can work wonders. I recommend any sea salt variety or caramel. Also make sure to enjoy said chocolate in an epic setting (see below).
Don’t forget to share your adventures on this forum!