People out East are crazy!.....Soap Box
People out East are crazy!
I know, i'm one of them… I just came back from a trip to Nelson and i've got the Blues big time.
The first time i went back to my local ski hill after my dream trip to Nelson, i got seriously into thinking about what it is that drives so many Eastern skiers to our small mountains.
First off, there is no soft snow on the slopes! Why would anyone want to ski ice and cement? To make sure we don't see any powder anywhere around the ski hill, every single one of the trails are groomed. To make sure no snow stays on the trails when we do have a big snow fall, the trails are so large that the wind blows every single flake in the woods.
Secondo, why would you want to wait 45 minutes before taking a chairlift? Up here, this is normal, and everybody expects these kinds of delays on the weekend. It gives people the chance to show off their new 200$ tuque and their super 1000$ technical ski suits. While they're waiting, they can also speak loudly about there super condo that they bought at the resort. (too bad the condo market imploded and they will never see their investment fructify with all the condo fees).
Tertio, why pay less when you can pay more? Here we pay 90$ for a day pass, and 1200$ for the season pass. All that for a whopping 600 meters vertical drop. You want one piece of pizza and a cola at the resort cafeteria? No problem: 15$ and you're all set. At Whitewater, you will have a real meal prepared by a chef for the same price.
You think it is cold at -20C out West? Let me tell you, our small kids (5 years old) ski at -25C without a problem. I've personnally skied at -38 without the windshield factor… So, stop complaining out West when it's 'cold'! We have those temperatures throughout january and february out here.
Finally, here is the big question: Why do so many Eastern people ski out here? I think the people out East are in bigger numbers and are more fanatical about skiing then the people out West! There it is, i said it. But why?
Out here it's cold, so you have to do something during the winter otherwise the season never ends. We've skied crappy conditions for so long that we don't know any other type of snow or temperature! When some of us go out west, we expect groomed snow! Here, people like to go fast and carve. No wonder, our hills are not steep but they are just as fast as out west. Ice and hard snow is such a magical combination…
Yes, i've got the blues. I guess i know why i'm seeking powder in our woods with a pair of skins. But still, people out West have it so good.