Follow-up: Scarpa Maestrale Voluntary Product Recall
A few months ago, Scarpa issued a voluntary recall on their Fall 2017 Maestrale RS and Maestrale ski boots. Scarpa is of course offering to fix this defect, which "under certain conditions the boot shell may crack" rendering them unusable.This recall ONLY applies to the Fall 2017 batch of Maestrale RS and Maestrale purchased in North America.
To check if your boots are recalled,
1) Find the box they were shipped in: if the three digit number above the bar code = 172, they are in the bad batch and should be sent back. 182 = good to go.

2) Look inside the shell for the stamped size. If there are dots underneath the mondo stamp, the boots are good to go! If there are dots, they need to be repaired...

These steps appear in further detail here.
A youtube video is available from Scarpa here.