Abma is Back!
You might have seen the Ruin and Rose athlete edit Matchstick productions released of ski touring phenom Hoji released last week but just in case you didn't here is a link for your viewing pleasure.Now if you enjoyed what you saw and I know you did, Mark Abam's athlete edit was released yesterday. This one really caught me off guard. I have been watching Abma in ski films for what feels like my entire life and as I have aged over the years so has he. In the last few seasons, I sure had the feeling Abma was into his " greatest hits " era and that we would slowly see his drift into obscurity the way Plake has. I was simply floored by the entire edit. Abma is dropping hammers left, right and center with progressive backcountry freestyle and charging down some serious lines. This gives the normal folk like you and I hope that if we want to wait till next year to hit that cliff or huge line we can wait till next season, we're not too old to progress. Yeah, next year...