Backcountry Book Club 1.1
There aren't too many things in life that I love as much as maps, guidebooks, and technical skill manuals. Having a bookshelf loaded with books organized by sport, season and region brings a warm fuzzy feeling to my soul. On my never ending quest to purchase all relevant books I have come across some that are easy to read and reference on a whim and some that are dry and boring. There are a few books that have become an unofficial staple in everyone's library. Freedom of the Hills, Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain both come to mind as must haves but there are loads of other great resources out there.A new one to my collection is Alpine Skills: Summer. This manual covers the basics of Alpine hiking, climbing, and alpinism. It was created in collaboration with the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation
( UIAA), The Alpine Club of Canada and the Petzl Foundation. The technical information contained is described and demonstrated with photo's in the same style as the product information that comes with new gear. The text is simple to read and the manual is easy to reference on the fly and is broken down into activities and subchapters.
So if you are looking for a new addition to the mantle, top of the toilet or just getting into the realm of the alpine, I highly recommend Alpine Skills: Summer. I have attached a link to the book but I encourage you to support your local shops first. BOOK LINK