How to Use Bear Spray - VIDEO
Summer is here and Bears are roaming the alpine but you're prepared as you've bought your bear spray,... but do you know how to use it? (Hint: it's not meant to be sprayed on you like deodorant.)Watch this video for all you'll need to know:
First, be sure not to stash the Bear Spray in your backpack, have it ready for quick access in case of a bear encounter.
Second, remove the Bear Spray from the holster and place your finger through the loop of the spray canister and remove the safety cap from the top of the canister which will expose the trigger release mechanism.
Next, be aware of which way the wind is blowing as wind will greatly affect the direction and density of the plume, the wind should ideally always be at your back.
When the bear is about 40 feet away (about 2-3 seconds) you should spray a one second burst of spray at the bear. Aim for the face of the bear as it gets closer. If the bear continues charging at you continue to spray. A large canisters of Bear Spray should spray continuously for about 6 seconds.

It's also a good idea to have more than one can of bear spray in your group as it's used very quickly and bears have been known to return even after being sprayed.
It's a good idea to practice with an expired canister of Bear Spray if you can.
Don't get paranoid that bears are lurking behind every tree waiting to kill you, this is not the case. They like to hide behind rocks. (Kidding).
Most bear attacks occur when a person gets within 55 metres/yards without the bear being aware of them. To prevent this, make noise by talking loudly, singing or making regular claps or shouts while travelling through the woods. Most bears are naturally scared of humans and will run away once they know you are near. Travelling in groups is one of the best ways to prevent bear encounters. The main point here is to let bears know you are coming, they don't like to be surprised. You are in their backyard so you need to respect them and if you play by these rules your chances are pretty slim you'll encounter one.