Welcome to the new site - check out some of the new features
Thanks for checking out the new BackcountrySkiingCanada.com, this site redesign has been over 18 months in the making and we hope that you find the new features beneficial. We’ll be launching more functionality over the coming year so stay tuned for even more upgrades. The major features of the new site, in addition to its improved navigation and usability, are:Mobile site
Finally, you’ll be able to happily cruise the site on your phone or tablet. We know that this has been long overdue and we are pumped about the results.

All reviews from 2016 and onwards have a commenting feature located at the bottom of the review. If you are signed up to the site and logged in, you can now leave a comment on any of our gear reviews. This will encourage conversations and allow people to ask specific questions. Your comments will be approved by the administrator before going “live". This step will happen fast and is necessary to avoid spammy comments (which nobody likes).

Hot Links
On the main page just under the rotating stories at the top (and on the interior pages in the left-hand column) you’ll see three hot link categories: “Hottest Reviews”, “Latest Videos” and “Most Popular Posts”. These links get you to the best content without your having to search for it. The subject areas will change regularly depending on what we know will be of the most interest to our visitors.

We’ve moved from Wordpress software for our forums and we hope that you find the new format and look easier to use. Give them a spin and let us know what you think. There is also a help file on how to use the forums located in the help section on the forum topics, under “Other talk”.
If you want to get a recap of all new forum posts, be sure to hit the subscribe button; you’ll stay up to date on all that’s new. The subscribe button is on the top right of the forums page.

Main Page rotating stories
On the top of the main page you’ll see rotating main stories which will give you instant access to the most important information on the site. We’ll add in new stories each week so be sure to click them all to keep up to date on everything backcountry.

Compact Reviews
Our reviews are pretty in-depth and, consequently, can be lengthy. If you’re tight for time, we’ve compressed the presentation of each review page so you have the option to see just the intro, pros, cons, specs and rating. If you want to read the rest of the review, simply click the large orange bar that says “Show the rest of the review/photos/videos” and voila, you can get all the info you need. This feature is only in effect for reviews from 2016 onward.

These are the highlights in a nutshell. We hope you enjoy the new site and if you have any issues or questions please send an email to us and let us know.