Improvised Rappel Devices
With the recent heat in British Columbia, there's no denying that summer has arrived. Long and warm summer nights mean you have plenty of time after work to get out there. Summer nights at the crag in the orange glow of the setting sun if nearly as good as skiing powder (almost). Climbing is a great sport for the ski mountaineer to keep rope skills sharp and learn new systems that can be applied in the upcoming winter over the purgatory of summer. Outdoor Research and the AMGA have a great instructional series about climbing and the simple systems most climbers should know. For example, what do to if you dropped your rappel device and you need to you know, rappel. Improvised rappel devices are practical in a dropped gear scenario or in a pinch on a lightweight objective. These techniques especially the Munter can also be applied in crevasse rescue or on ski trips requiring a short rappel. Watch the short video below for a few improvised rappel device options and be sure to check out the other great videos for more techniques.