Spearhead Huts Officially Brake Ground
The Kees and Clair hut project in the Whistler backcountry has officially broken ground. With construction planned in the two phases over two summers, the Kees and Clair hut plans to be taking bookings by January of 2019. This summers construction plans to tackle foundation and perhaps a grey water system if time and volunteers permit. The hut will service the service the popular spear head traverse in Garibaldi Provincial part and is the first of the three proposed huts. Once complete it will be the first hut to hut traverse on the BC coast. The huts will also be a great place for an extended stay for those wishing to ski the incredible terrain that surrounds the future huts. Spearhead huts are always looking for volunteers or donations so if you have extra time or money and want to contribute please visit their website for more details.
While most people are excited about that idea not everyone shares that same view. Some consider development in the backcountry takes away from the experience and remote feel of the backcountry. Others worry about the increase a hut system like this one will bring to the provincial park and damages to the fragile environment that humans inevitably bring. What is your stance on the proposed huts in Garibaldi Provincial Park?