South Lines
The southern hemisphere ski season is in full swing. It's easy to forget when we in North America see very little media coverage on their season. We will see the odd snippet on social media but nowhere near the amount we see during our own season. One might think the opposite would be likely as all of us here are beginning to froth over the upcoming winter months. The terrain in South America, for example, is simply incredible and the level of talent is on par with anywhere else in the world. Every summer there are two skiers that drop my jaw to the floor. Adria Millan and Aymar Navarro have been at it for years at a world-class level and you are probably reading their names for the first time. Their upcoming film promises to build on their already impressive resume but we will have to wait a while longer before it's release. Not to worry. I have linked their film from last season below. Stay strong, September is around the corner.