How to inspect climbing bolts
The snow has finally started melting away from our favorite local crags and people are itching to get on their first routes of the summer. A lot has happened over the winter. While your ski body might be in perfect form maybe your climbing muscles aren't quite there. Things left unused and unattended all winter need a little extra attention. Be sure to double check your climbing gear and anchors and bolts. Hangers tend to be loose in the spring over a season of expansion and contraction so be sure to check the bolt and tighten them as needed. Corrosion and ice expansion can lead to loose bolts and anchors and it's important to keep and eye out for those especially in the spring. These two videos show a quick demo on how to check both glue ins and expansion bolts. If you find any damaged or unsafe bolts, report them to your local climbing society and share that information with other climbers. While this is a spring reminder inspecting bolts should be a habit and done every climb, considering bolt placement when climbing routes in important.Big thanks to Gripped Canada for posting this originally. Climb safe!