Stellar Heli Tenure App. -- Act Now
We shared news about the tenure application from the Retallack folks last week. Their proposed tenure is in the Southern Purcells, east of Kootenay Lake. Because it's "tenure season," you should be aware of another application, this one west of Kootenay Lake and the town of Kaslo. The application has been submitted by Stellar Heli Skiing Ltd, a local heli skiing operation.What is particularly worrisome about this tenure application is that it borders Mount Carlyle Lodge's tenure on three sides (look here for our write-up of a great trip there a couple years back). The helicopter traffic would disrupt wildlife as well as fans of "quiet recreation"--like people earning their turns at Mount Carlyle Lodge. Sure this new venture might bring some much-needed employment to our area, but who really wants helicopters flying overhead all the time. Isn't the best way to enjoy wilderness by getting into it on your own steam? Brian Cross from Mount Carlyle Lodge wants to know what you think about it all. Click here for that and enjoy the pic of an average day at Mount Carlyle Lodge below.
If you want to learn more (and if you like backcountry skiing in the Kootenays, you should) check out the Applications and Reasons for Decisions. There, you'll find the Management Plan, and a Location Map. Click through at the bottom of the page to make a comment and voice your concerns. Your comments can make a difference so please read the materials and let the BC gov know what you think. If you'd like to comment on the tenure application east of the lake, look here.
Here's a snap of Carlyle Lodge below. Super fun place.