What Those Knees Need to Prevent Injury
Working at a heli ski lodge, I know that the #1 injury that takes down both guests and guides alike, especially in deep powder, is a knee injury. There's nothing worse than feeling a tweak in your knee joint after a botched landing, and it could take you down for the rest of the season. This is something that we all need to consider with any ski snow activity, so here's how to give those knees some love from the folks at Fit For Snow.First of all, make sure that your bindings are working properly. This link between your body and all the forces generated by the snow, gravity and the carving ski/board is critical.
Second, spend just a few minutes a day setting up a neutral posture and core activation. Yep - that same old theme but it makes such a huge difference to where your center of gravity will be when you do get into trouble.
Third, get those glutes working! The greatest single predictor of knee injuries (mcl, acl) is the control of the knee - at the hip!! If you drop that knee inward due to poor glute control it's gonna load that medial knee compartment!
Homework: 3 sets of 15 reps but even one set is better than nothing! Clams with resistance, side bridge lateral leg lift, banded squats and the best ever glute stretch!