A Love Letter to Whitehorse: part 1
Sunday I returned from what has quickly become one of my favourite Canadian "Cities" and otherwise excellent gateway and stand alone destination. Though it may not be high on your list, or even be on your radar for that matter, hopefully, I'll be able to sway your stance and, open your mind to the Capital city of the Yukon Territory. Whitehorse, with the classic call, lure, and charm of the wilderness city is ever present. To stop there would be to sell the area and the city short of its wealth of outdoor options. The city itself boasts 700km of mixed use trails and the indelible Yukon River in city limits, as well as nearby shuttle options, and three Disc golf courses (one that is newly designed and fantastic to play, stay tuned for more beta). It's an excellent option for those looking to get a taste of the north and its unique topography and way of life.
Part 2 to follow.