Daily Digital Escapism
In a world of hashtags, social media and digital escapism, companies are always looking for an edge or outlet to have their message sent across to their target audience, often in new and clever ways. One company especially has taken a different approach to this and turned their entire youtube channel of ad's into, visually stunning and engaging stories of the people that use their product.
Now if you haven't stumbled across the Yeti cooler youtube channel be warned, it is a deep rabbit hole of striking landscapes, strong characters and excellent stories. With often only a guerilla shot or two of their products. What's most interesting to me about this approach is the outright shift away from conventional clips and sales pitch, and the endeavour to sell the experience that they want to associate their brand so closely with, and the story of the characters that use them. Now I know what you're thinking. Dang'it Erik, this is a backcountry forum not a forum about post digital advertising, and you're absolutely correct. However sometimes we can't always be in the environment we crave or arguably require, but what good would all this technology be if we didn't use it from time to time? Sit back and enjoy, and try not to go too far down the rabbit hole. ( Warning: may cause mild FOMO)