Do I need a ham radio licence?
I would like to carry a handheld VHF/UHF radio into the backcountry for emergency communication. I am not so interested in communication with other skiers in my group, for that I have GMRS radios, which seem to rarely get used when I do take them.
I know that most guides will carry a VHF radio to emergency purposes. Do these guides all have licences? Is it a don't ask, don't tell situation? If I understand the rules, it's only illegal to transmit if you don't have the permission of the frequency holder. So is it implied that in a life-and-death situation, the local SAR, being the frequency holder, isn't going to ask you if you had a licence to operate that radio thing?
Should I just take the online course and get a licence? It just seems like a lot of overkill for my intended use (have you seen the text book??). Or is there a crash course or enough resources available online for a guy like me to figure out the basics of how to pick the right frequency and how to utilize the repeaters that are in place in the areas that I plan on touring in?