The Best Way To Survive An Avalanche Is Not To Be In One
Fall is the season of stoke. Everyone is fired up for the upcoming season. Your social media has likely been filling up with photos and videos of keeners getting their first turns of the season. This can leave some jealous and frustrated and others cringing at the probable state of these keeners ski bases. Whichever camp you find yourself in the thoughts of cold smoke are certainly creeping in and the fire getting stoked. This a great time of year for everyone to brush up on their avalanche knowledge. has a fantastic online avalanche tutorial that touches on all the major components including snowpack layering, slab formation, and companion rescue. We put a lot of importance on companion rescue but let's all remember that the best way to survive an avalanche is by not being caught by one in the first place. Use that early season passion to get your through the drier theory portions of the avalanche problem because soon enough we will all be making turns and be much to busy for avalanche theory. The Avalanche comprehensive tutorial can be found here.