Skiing Is The Fountain Of Youth
Salomon Freeski Tv is back, thank god. This series has managed to blow me away year after year and somehow continues to improve with each season. This year we start off with the aging freeskier behind switchback entertainment, Mike Douglas the grandfather of freeskiing. This is the guy we all watched take the sport to new heights with the new Canadian air force back in the day. Now at 47, Mike is coping with the encroachment of time on his freeski career. I may not be 47 but at my relatively young age, married, with 3 year old and a mortgage I can certainly hear the park rats calling me an old guy as I cruise through the park. Watching someone like Mike hang on to freeskiing is a great reminder that I can relax and continue to progress despite my age.Watch as Mike travels to Japan to find the secret of longevity. Japan has some of the longest life expectancies in the world. Why is that? Salmon tv has the answer.