Boulderfields Receive Rec Site Designation
Bouldering. You either love, hate it or you've never heard of it. It's one of my personal favorite types of climbing for the simple fact that it's so simple. Find a big rock, grab your climbing shoes and go. A crash pad and some chalk can be added but even then the equipment is minimal and can be done solo if you can't find a partner. The problems tend to be short and packed into difficult sequences making bouldering a challenging sport on its own or great training for sport climbing.British Columbia has seen a growth in the number of developed bouldering areas and the overall number of boulders in the last few years. One area that has been seeing a large number of increased traffic is the Okanagan boulder fields. While more visits to the boulder fields have been great, the concern is that with increased human traffic comes increased human impact. Roads, parking areas, random camping and human waste all become a real concern in these kinds of areas.
A huge win for the Okanagan Bouldering society over the summer with the boulder fields receiving the designation of a provincial recreation site. This means that next summer you can enjoy new campsites, expanded parking and an outhouse. The site will remain a pack in pack out Rec site and user compliance is still absolutely paramount. The Okanagan Bouldering society and Bc Rec sites and trails will work in partnership to manage the area which is one of the largest bouldering areas in North America.
Improved day use parkingNew Campsites
If you would like more information about the area you can find it here. Check it out and let us know what you think of the new improvements.