Perseid Meteor Shower
The Perseid meteor shower is worth staying awake for. The shower, which happens each year as the Earth moves through a stream of ice, dust and small rocks left behind by comet Swift-Tuttle, usually results in 80 to 100 meteors an hour. Viewing is best this weekend but the meteor shower will be visible for the next few weeks.
Some tips to get the most out of Perseid:
1) get into the country. Absence of light (and light pollution) is key
2) give your eyes time to adjust
3) lie on your back and dress warmly
4) get caffeinated--best viewing is between midnight and dawn
5) look toward the northeast
6) get a good camera and have patience if you want your pictures to be as good as what you see on the 'net.
The meteors will appear to originate from the constellation Perseus which will be in the northeast sky after midnight. (NASA)
This photo, taken by Marshall Mak, shows all the action in the night sky