Steep-- a new, mind-blowing video game. VIDEO
Seen this? It's the latest video game from Ubisoft called Steep. I haven't really looked at a video game in years (don't even know if they're still called "video games"), but this one is pretty incredible. As well as replicating actual ski zones in the European Alps, the fully immersive game let's you shred on a snowboard, skis, wingsuit and more. Check it out at about 3:30 to see what it'd be like to ride with your buddies. Why bother going outside at all any more?
Interesting to see the various product placements in there too. As with movies, companies (like GoPro and The North Face) have paid to get their brand into the game. Check out the TNF jacket and pants worn by the skier dude. Steep was 2 years in the making and the core team is in Annecy, France, a small town not far from Mont Blanc. It'll be out in December of next year (just in time for Christmas) and is available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.