The Creative Seggy: Behind the Scenes of the \"JP Auclair Street Segment\"
'All I can' was a huge success for the Sherpas but by far the most talked about segment was the urban ski scene filmed in trail and (right here in) Nelson BC.
I am sure it inspired may a skier to head out and try and replicate JP's performance. I have witnessed first had my neighbours building gaps down my other neighbours driveway (with out them knowing of course in true rogue style).
In their words:
From 2 to 2 million. What started as a pair of guys digging around in the slush, ended up with almost 3 million views worldwide and counting. The "JP Auclair Street Segment" is a section of the feature length film "All.I.Can" by Sherpas Cinema, and was an unexpected favourite, capturing imaginations, winning awards, and reaching an audience the creators had never dreamed of.
Join Dave Mossop and JP Auclair for a peek behind the scenes of that game-changing 2-week shoot, in the interior of British Columbia.
Have a watch and see why it ain't always like in the movies.