Water Cycles
A ski patroller once told me if I plan to ski more than 100 days every winter, I should plan on swimming just as much every summer. But where I live the steady flow of water through the West Arm of Kootenay Lake keeps temperatures frigid, even during the hottest days of summer. Honestly, I am just making excuses. There are so many hidden swimming spot where a slow eddy or shallow water makes it bearable, and as long as there is some sunshine, you’ll dry off in no time. The unseasonably wet summer has kept water temperatures lower than average, and with rain in the forecast this weekend I can already hear the excuse, “you can’t do anything when it’s raining”. On the same coin that wet weather has brought growth to healthy plants, trees and the canopy that shelters the forest. It only takes a little sunlight and BAM! Photosynthesis kicks in to make the greens greener and landscapes more lush. So no matter what you want to do this weekend, don’t let a little water in the sky deter you. Grab a rain jacket, rain pants and a sou’wester if you must and get out there, you’re not made of sugar! (But you still are pretty sweet).