Is The Central Couloir Next To Go?
Unless you have been living under a rock and off social media(if so, good for you!) you have seen photos and read about the massive landslide on Joffre peak in the coast range. A massive chunk of the mountain peeled away taking the twisting couloir with it. A few days later another huge part of the mountain fell off on the same failure plane as the first, this time threatening the iconic central couloir. The activity seems to have tapered off but a new crack in the face is now visible. If or rather, when this part of the mountain breaks free it will likely take the bottom of Central couloir with it. A big deal in the ski mountaineering world as it is one of the 50 classic ski descents of North America. Sometimes geology is fast and while this could mean the end of an iconic ski line it certainly is interesting to watch geology unfold in real time.Red new crack, blue likely failure.
Watch the Central Couloir episode of The Fifty.