4 Babes on Lightning Strike - SOAPBOX
Walking from the parking lot to the Trailhead, Kootenay Pass, BC
With cold cheeks we move, we climb, we breathe. Four girls out on a winsome February morning. The first trek up is always a challenge, In waves the limbs and lungs will protest…we acknowledge them and press forward. Punching our poles into undisturbed snow we feel a crust below and take note. We tuck it away in the brainmeat and carry on; our train of ladypants switchbacking towards lightning strike.
As we near the top of the ridge the light becomes incredible, high key yet diffuse by scattered cloud illuminating the surface hoar and backlighting rogue flakes suspended in the ether. I stop to take a photo as Terra and Fleur move thru the light.
Moments like these are one of the many rewards one receives for the low low price of leaving your box and re-engaging with everything else.
We move on and gain the summit, strap in and away we go! Laughing, Ca-Cawing and Wooping thru the steep trees. The snow is moving today, sluffing down to the crust and moving like a blanket tangled around our boot tops. Sorry I don’t have pictures of us riding…who wants to stop while getting it on? Not this kid.
The rest of our day went much the same, another two lines, one Muffin and one North Muffin making the descent and traverse back toward the highway.
We made our way up thru the clearcut below the road in the near dark musing how bad it would be if the plow truck came by at that moment…oops! 4 chicas buried and gone, one decapitated by a flying ice chunk. A few nervous haha’s and we were safely over the steep bank, Rose took one for the team and hitchhiked back to get our car, She didn’t get axe-murdered so thats a plus. We loaded up our stuff and hit the road, crossing off another day well lived and sweet lines well won.