Soap Box Entry- the drought continues!
We have been patiently waiting for ULLR to bless us with his bountiful snowfall creating powers we have been ignored and left with dribs and drabs of meager snowfall amount that total nothing more than trace amounts on our favorite resorts current condition pages. What did we do to possibly deserve this ? Did we not burn enough skis in the name of ULLR? Maybe but what can we do? We have been going crazy waiting for the snow to come and short of sacrificing virgins there isn't a whole lot we can do. At least we are being blessed with some stable avalanche conditions for a change of pace this season. Time to do some exploraskiing!
Vince and I left the bow valley to meet up with Erik from Revelstoke. Once both parties arrived we checked out what areas were open, had a quick chat about our objectives for the day and headed off to a northerly facing area. We were looking for pillows for future shoots and we were not disappointed.

The diving board feature is an easy 8m.

While the zones were nothing short of what we were looking for ( expect the photo above , that's just silly ) conditions were certainly not primed to jump on the rodeo train and start pillow bashing. We worked our way further up the ridge to a second bench that had some features we could manage with our current ski conditions.

Most of what we skied looked like this. Not to bad

Even the views didn't bore us. bonus!

Vince got rad

Kyle with some turkey vulture steeze

Kyle links some pow turns to end the day.
The day could not have gone any better. What was planned to be a scouting missio for future film days once the snow returns to us had turned into a fun day in the mountains with great skiing and fun features. Rogers pass has been a favorite for some time and given the vastness of the park we have only begun to scratch the surface of this places potential. If only it would snow sooner rather than later.