Safe Summer Storage for Your Backcountry Safety Gear
There is nothing quite like the start of a new ski season - The first snowfall, the early season shark fin runs, and blowing the dust off of the the vy pack and safety essentials (Transciever, Probe, Shovel). While this is a breath of fresh air and worthy of a cry for happiness, it is important that we take steps in the spring to ensure our gear is properly maintained and stored correctly. It's simple, and only takes a small chunk of your time.Transceiver
1) Remove Batteries from your transceiver
Batteries can leak over time and this can cause corrosion to your terminals and electrical wiring.
2) Check and download any firmware updates - your local shop an sometimes assist with this function

Shovel & Probe
1) Perform a visual inspection of all parts, ensure there is no damage
2) Sharpen the shovel blade with a flat file if it has become dulled by rocks

Avy Pack
1) While it may cost you a cartridge refill, this is a good time to test your entire deployment system by pulling that trigger and seeing what happens. Ensure the bag has a chance to fully dry out, repackage based on manufacturer recommendations, and check the 0-rings on the cartridge threads.
2) Check all connection points, buckles, and straps for signs of damage or wear.
The time that is put in at the end of the season will bear a piece of mind kicking off the next winter season that you're ready to roll. Scrape off that thick summer wax and hit the skintrack with confidence!