Exie the Avi Dog
German Shepherds are loyal, intelligent dogs, with high energy levels and they can learn to do just about anything. This is why they make such great working dogs, but it is important to remember not to treat them as pets. A service or working dog will generally be wearing a vest or harness identifying them as such. When you see one in the field, it is best to pretend they don’t exist until you can talk with their handler and get permission. Never call out or touch the dog unless their handler says it’s ok.On the site of an avalanche it is important to remember that everything you have with you has your scent on it, and spit or urination can distract the rescue dog from doing their job. So in a case when a dog rescue team is on their way, keep your belongings with you and leave the scene reasonably undisturbed.

Exie is a five year old, purebred German Shepherd, currently residing in the West Kootenays, and maintaining a nose for avalanche rescue. Originally trained as a police dog, she is certified by the Canadian Avalanche Rescue Dog Association (CARDA) and an asset to local ski operations and Search & Rescue (SAR) organizations.

Exie practices her searches by tracking down scented pieces of clothing buried in the snow. It is important for her to stay well practiced in the event of an avalanche burial. One tactic for training Exie is rewarding her efforts to track down a live human scent with her favorite game, tug-of-war.

For more info and photos visit Exie the SAR Dog on Facebook.