Backcountry Rescue Delayed due to Avalanche Hazard
North Shore SAR was finally able to rescue a lost skier on Hollyburn Mountain late Sunday afternoon by helicopter long line. Previous news reports stated that avalanche risk was high and backcountry rescue could be delayed because search and rescue teams wouldn't put their members in harms way.According to CBC news, the 42 year old man was skiing alone and called his wife when he realized he was lost. Luckily he could still see Hollyburn Mountain which proved to be helpful information for the rescue. He was located at the bottom of a steep gully near a emergency equipment cache.
This is a sharp reminder that while there are amazing search and rescue programs with individuals who put themselves in harms way, when avalanche conditions are high and the warning signs are there, you could be waiting it out in the backcountry, so be prepared.