Greg Sucker-for-punishment Hill's March Madness Program -- VIDEO
With the help of Arc'teryx, Salomon and Suunto (and, likely, his family) Greg Hill is attempting to ski 100 Km or 328,000' in the month of March. After his 2 million foot record in 2012, perhaps Hill has been restless and needed a new, insane, challenge.
Three days-in at press time, he's on schedule and has already racked up 29,109'. You can follow Greg's exploits at greghill dot ca. He's posting updates and photos already. And be sure to look for him if you're out touring this month--especially here in BC. He's easy to spot -- he's that guy that'll blow by you on the uptrack. Good luck Greg. May you maintain the madness.
Oh, and stay tuned to the site. We'll soon be sharing a vid of him respoding to some questions we had about his endeavour.