Now is the time to use those skin savers - VIDEO
Everyone gets a pair of Skin Savers when they purchase their climbing skins but few people actually know the right time to use them. No, it's not after every lap throughout the winter. They are meant to be used only for long-term storage like right now when the skis season is wrapping up and you won't be using your skins for several months. Skin Savers help keep the glue tacky over the long term so be sure to place them on your skins before you store them for the Summer and you won't have any issues come next winter when you take them out of your pack for their first rip.Even G3 agrees, Use those Skin Savers now!
"G3 climbing Skin Savers are designed to maximize the life of skins by protecting and preserving the glue. Meant to be used for long-term storage or daily applications.
At 90mm wide, Skin Savers do not need to fully cover all the adhesive on your skins. The edges of your skins adhering adhesive to adhesive will help protect against excess air drying out the adhesive over time.
To use your Skin Savers, you can either cut it in half and fold each skin around it, or sandwich the one Skin Savers between your two skins."