Tentsile Tree Tents
Who doesn’t love a tree house, or a hammock for that matter? Combine the two and you’ve got Tentsile Tree Tents. These suspended tents are super comfortable like their hammock and trampoline cousins and keep you up off the cold, wet ground. You’ll sleep safely above any rough ground and be out of harms way as menacing bugs and animals can’t get yo you when perched in the trees.
"Tentsile" is more than a clever play on words, it's a company that offer up four tents, the Stingray, Connect, Flite and Vista, along with two suspended platforms called the Trillium and T-mini. The tents and platforms can be used in conjunction with one another to provide additional sleeping areas or gear storage. Simply suspend the platforms under the tents and they remain protected out of the sun and light rain thanks to the tent above.
The Stingray is Tentsile’s largest tent, it can sleep 3+ adults and is 14’x14’x14’ and weighs 19lbs. It offers up bug and rain protection and can hold 880lb yet packs down to a size of only 22”x8”x8”.
If you are looking for a slightly smaller tent then the Connect would be the one to consider. It accommodates 2+ adults and is 14’x14’x9’. It weighs 2lbs less than the Stingray but still has a maximum load capacity of 880lb. You still get bug and rain protection but it folds down slightly smaller at 22”x7”x7”.
The Flite is Tentsile’s smallest and lightest tent which is ideal for backcountry camping. It weighs in at only 7.3lbs and provides room for 2 adults within its 12’x12’x8’ shape. It’s still bug and rain resistant while folding up to a packed size of 20”x8”x8”.
While Tentsile Tents are better suited to car based camping or backcountry base camps, the Flite is the tent that I’d consider taking on a camping trip since it's their most compact and light weight option.
If you're looking for a completely different camping experience or just a tent with a view then you should consider giving Tentsile Tents a consideration. Having received a first hand look at each of these tents at Outdoor PressCamp last month I can tell you that they offer a truly innovative camping experience and one which needs to be enjoyed to be believed.