Boys In The Bugs
Training has never been so hot in adventure sports as it is right now. At any given time you can cruise your social media feeds and find people running, cycling or in the gym for the purpose of training for another sport. Climbing is one of those sports where training is like, really hot right now. However, there are always a few athletes who don't really train and simply get better and stronger by doing. I tend to gravitate towards this method because let's face it, that's way more fun. Climbing, skiing, mountain biking ect... are all about fun or they should be anyways. This doesn't mean your personal limits or even the limits of a sport can't be pushed in this style.Take Will Stanhope and Matt Segal. Two of the world top trad climbers who's focus is on having a good time while putting up some of the worlds hardest routes. Boys in the Bugs captures a bit of their work ethic over a period of 4 years repeating the same sequences without giving up. Crushing defeat after crushing defeat these two continued to push all the while somehow having a good time which is what I think really matters in sport. Watch Boys in The Bugs and remember, sports are fun, you can improve by simply doing. Full film here.