Film Premiere: The Little Things
The Little Things premiered in Whistler last week, a brand new film by pro rider Marie-France Roy and filmmaker / pro biker Darcy Turenne. Created as a labor of love, these ladies raised nearly $30K through Kickstarter to make the film a reality. To top it off, all proceeds from the film are going to Protect Our Winters (POW) and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Featuring Jeremy Jones, Tamo Campos, Gretchen Bleiler and a list of other environmentally conscious athletes, The Little Things is a tribute to making whatever small contribution you can to helping our planet.
I have to say, this film was extremely well done! Great message and equally great delivery, plus plenty of pow makes it a winner in the fall line up of film premieres in my books. You can watch it on iTunes or catch them on tour.
Here are the 2 trailers: