Many Thanks to G3 and BSC_Illumination Saddle to Paradise Trailhead Tour on Mt. Hood
Illumination Saddle to Paradise Trailhead Tour on Mt. Hood
As ski areas close and spring returns to the lower reaches of the mountain, a good spring tour is skinning from Timberline Lodge (5,900') to Illumination Saddle (9400') and skiing down the Zig Zag Glacier to a shuttle car at the Paradise Trailhead at 2900' on Mt. Hood.
With a 3,500' climb and an approximate 5500' ski descent followed by several miles on a cush hiking trail through the forest, this 14 mile tour offers excellent spring corn skiing, route finding, and bushwhacking for a thorough adventure!
A key component to doing this tour is being able to find the trail on the heavily forested flanks of Mt. Hood. The trail follows a forested ridge above the north side of Zig Zag Canyon. A GPS can be a big help. Thankfully our intrepid leader, Allison, had a new GPS unit to try out.
Our lucky band of four skiers did this tour on May 22nd, 2014. Thanks to Backcountry Skiing Canada and G3, I had some new gear to use compliments of the Soapbox Comp. Here's a few pics: