My Kootenay Emergency Preparedness Kit
My Emergency Preparedness Kit
When disaster strikes it is important to be ready. Many of my friends on the coast have emergency preparedness kits for their families in case of a natural disaster like an earthquake or tsunami. These kits include extra clothing, food, bottled water, fast cash, medication, flashlight, and so on until you are comfortable with what you can survive without. For me however, the biggest disaster that can happen at this time of year is not being prepared for an unexpected dump of snow and an early morning phone call from outside my house asking, “you ready?”
I am ready, because of my Kootenay emergency preparedness kit. This includes my splitboard, skins, poles, beacon, shovel (with saw), probe, boots, snow pants and jacket, mid and base layers, toque, gloves and goggles. Depending on what day of the week it is I may also include a couple Faceplants. This is just the basic and may not be as complete as yours, depending on you intentions in the backcountry. You may also want to include a first aid kit, rope, radios, crampons, overnight gear, etc. And never forget your best touring buddy.
Note: It is important to keep your kit close to an exit, unless this causes grief for your girlfriend, housemates or signifigant other who may then move it into a closet.