Skiing to be had out there still -- Pictures to prove it
We decided to explore up Kokanee glacier way June 30 and July 1st. Made it to the trailhead around 6am and hiked/skied/bootpacked up the keyhole. Views were terrific, snow was great and sun was beautiful.
Ski down was amazing for late June and the snow was running fast.
Stayed overnight at the cabin and headed up John Cater Way on a beautiful sunny Canada Day
Crossed the cliffs below John Carter and managed to pick our way down through the rocky slope to Kokanee Lake.
Ran into many hikers heading up to enjoy the scenery of Kokanee lake. We may not have seemed super stoked possibly due to heavy packs and the near 30 degree temperature, but overall it was a fantastic summer ski adventure.
Thanks for the stickers guys
I am looking to keep the dream alive, does anyone have suggestions for other summer ski missions in the Kootenays?