Starting March's soap box comp with a bangSolo ski touring???
Well I might regret this but I thought I would start March's soap box off with a bang and what better way than to discuss solo backcountry ski touring.
This past season at WH2O I have seen more solos skiers in the slack country than ever before. Now I will admit that yes I have solo toured, I will also admit that I have spent more than one late night searching for overdue lone skiers and yes I have also had the worst side of solo touring, having a friend pass way solo skiing. With all this I still find it hard to condemn the solo skier. I know the dangers involved and know that it is an individual choice. I do not endorse it, neither do I condemn it. I merely say it exists. But the mention of solo ski touring is enough to get even the most zen of skier tourer up out of their chair for one fired up debate. Many a backcountry tourer has a strong opinion on this subject. Some for it and some very much against it. I once ran into an individual teaching an avalanche course that said if you would not ski this slope solo then you should not ski it all, a little over the top for an intro avie course but does high light the strong opinions this topic can generate.
I will start with my opinion. I truly believe it is a personal choice that one makes to ski solo. I know the joy of being in the outdoors with just your thoughts and the beauty of nature all around. I also respect the very high level of rick that one takes in this activity. So one should be fully prepared for all "what ifs" and not undertake it lightly or ill prepared.
Another point I wanted to ask is has the addition of technology made solo backcountry more acceptable. With tools like Spot, In Reach and just a cell phone do persons feel it is more acceptable to duck under the line and go out exploring on your own.
Finally if solo ski touring is not acceptable then what of other sports like mountain biking, backpacking even long distance backcountry running. Do these sports pose less risk so going alone is OK or should all backcountry activity require a buddy system.
I hope I purposed this topic in a thought full way and one that might help us all in the BC community to explore it in more depth.
For now enjoy the day,week month..year