Valemount Glaciers
Well we all heard the news, Jumbo has suffered a massive blow and is almost guaranteed not become a reality. I supposed another environmental certificate COULD be issued even with such a massive local opposition, hey it happened once after all. If you were a JUMBO supporter what are you supposed to do now? Your hopes and dreams of lazy summer turns have been dashed and shredded to peices! Fear not because Jumbo wasn't the only purposed 365 ski resort being worked on. A much less opposed ( a least theres a town this time ) Valemount glacier resort has been almost silently passing approval processes these last few years. With a master plan to match the size of Jumbo and the promises of massive annual snowfalls it's hard not to get excited with quotes like these,
"Valemount’s average annual snowfall is 536 cm (211 in), amongst the highest Canada, and significantly higher than Whistler, Lake Louise, Jasper and Fernie. CMH’s Cariboo Lodge operators report an average annual snowfall of 14 metres (551 in) at 1,800 m (5,905 ft.) elevation, which is in the lower portions of the planned skiable terrain. The average snowpack has been reported by CMH and Cariboo Snowcat Skiing and Tours to be in the range of 100 cm at lower elevations and 250 cm – 300 cm at higher elevations.
I'm curious how the rest of the ski community feels about Valemount. Is it feasible? sustainable? What are your thoughts? Can anyone confirm the rumor of land being purchased? Most of all, would you ski there?
Looking to make an informed reply? Here are a few links to get you started and you might just recognize a name in there.