Condtion report and soap box entry number two!
The drought is finally over! After a slow and seriously dry start to the season things have finally turned around and conditions are deep albeit very touchy when it comes to the stability. The resorts have been skiing splendidly this week and the crowds were minimal generally speaking. Here's a visual condition report from Sunshine Village.
With the new snow we wanted to have a look at what the snowpack was doing with this new load and warmer temperatures. We found that the storm snow wasn't playing nice with the two surface hoar layers from January. Then we looked at what seems to the be the only constant in continental snowpacks. Some dirty, square , huge depth hoar.
After a quick lunch break we chatted about the conditions and what we should be skiing with the conditions we had, It was quite obvious that anything steep and open was out of the question. We had some deep snow below us with plenty of little pillows , little cliffs and well glades trees but most of all we were comfortable with our choice of terrain. 3...2...1..drop.
Good times were had with good people and although this is considered to be a pretty popular area it seems people only chose to ski the classic way own, too bad for them! If you haven't yet, for the love of everything holy get out there! After all who knows, it may be another two months after this storm leaves us before we get snow again.