Game On! Rockies Conditions
November served up some fantastic skiing in the Rockies. Lots of kitschy phrases being tossed around like "Snow-vember" or "November to Remember". The other thing everyone seems to be talking about is just how many people there are out there, and there are a lot. Roadside objectives definitely aren't the place to go for serenity right now. Look around within 10km of Bow Summit and it feels like going to the mall on Christamas Eve.
November has indeed been pretty good. It seemed to be game on from the start, at least on 93N. Slopes in every direction are reasonably slaughtered. Sliding seems to be relatively care free already with a supportive base that is covering a lot of the typical early season hazards. Creeks and lakes still have some freezing to do and some thrashing is still encountered in valley bottoms.
Excited for the rest of the year!
A quick look at some November snow.
November 3rd
November 12th
November 17th
November 18th
November 24th
November 25th