Meanwhile in the Kootenays SOAPBOX
How does that old adage go...the one about the lemons?
Yup, I had lots of big plans for today. I was going to sweat my ass off and make my quads scream for mercy, I was going to punish the uptrack and slay the down. I started out strong but after a series of unfortunate gear related issues (broken straps,dead skins) and other non gear related issues (lazy?) I settled for having a mid-mountain tea party and "sporty" strapless shred sesher back to the car with my Dog Chico-San.
And you know what? It was EPIC! Maybe not epic in the gnarly line kinda way, but definitely epic in the laugh your ass off kinda way, oh and also the stop to smell the roses and cuddle the crap outta your dog friend kinda way. #wedidntevenmakeittothealpine #makinglemonade