A long couple of days at the Pass
As most of you have heard we have had our first tragedy of the season up at the pass. My thoughts go out the family and friends who suffered this great loss. Times like this are always hard all the way around but I did want to give a word out to all the volunteers who came together to help his partner make it out to the highway. Yes I was one of those persons but it always amazes me to see all the other people who step up the plate to help. When we flew in Sunday under not so nice conditions there were 4 other persons on sight giving aid to both members involved in the avalanche. Two more persons came on site from the cabin and with a team 6 NSAR members helped in lowering the one subject down almost 300m in some dangerous and hard pressed conditions. Then throughout the night Nelson, Rossland, South Columbia and Castlegar SAR pulled by hand the stretcher all the way to the highway and the awaiting BC ambulance. Hours of extraordinary work were put in by all to make this happen and I just wanted to give a shout out to all my friends, colleges and persons who just stepped up for a job well done. What ever we call it slackcountry, backcountry, off piste, it is always about the people who do it.. you are an extraordinary bunch.