Thanks for the sweet prize Rab and BSC!
Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome prize in last months soap box. I won a Rab vapor Rise and Meco hoodie. Both have seen quite a bit of use already.
The vapor Rise soft/hardshell is great, nice and simple, lightweight, super comfy, and has a nice high collar which I like in all my jackets. I have had it out in all sorts of conditions already, rain, snow, wind, and a few night skins up red. It has worked quite well and I am very happy with its performance.
The Meco hoodie is a great blend of merino and synthetics. I have merino layers and synthetic layers and I wasn't sure how the two would mix. Turns out they work great together, the stink doesn't come up nearly as fast as synthetics but it has that soft comfort that comes with wool. Overall a great addition to my baselayers that I find myself frequently reaching for.
Thanks! have a selfie...